Many of the Manley's full-sized models also came as a countertop version.
In many cases, the countertop version had the same kettle as the full-sized
Countertop visions began under the Burch brand, including the Princette and
Jewel models:
They continued when the name changed to Manley in 1940, with the Victory and
Princette models:

Image courtesy of Robert Manley

Image courtesy of Robert Manley.
The M-Line had a countertop version:

Image courtesy of Erik Eggers.
An M-48 countertop at The Grand Theater in East Greenville, PA.

Image courtesy of Forum Member Grandtheater.
The Aristocrat came in a countertop version:

Image courtesy of Erik Eggers.
Image courtesy of
eBay member bossauctions.
The Model 126 Jewel came with an 8 oz. kettle.
Almost identical to the Jewel is the Pettl-Pop machines--models 168 and 185.
The model 168 has an 8 ounce kettle:

Photos courtesy of Forum Member KB8SXK.
The Model 185 uses a 12 ounce kettle:

Image courtesy of Forum Member rbuchholz.