One of the earliest models of popcorn poppers from Manley is what many
people refer to as the 1939 model (referred to as the 1939 because it is
believed to have been designed in 1939). Recently it has been confirmed
that this model's name is the Manley Life Time model. It would have been a
common model for the early 1940s until it was replaced by the M-Line models in
1946. Interestingly, the M-46 was also referred to as the Lifetime Model.
The 1939 model is easily identified by the top side-view that
resembles a cross-section of an aircraft wing. The Life Time model has the
motor mounted on the kettle in a fashion similar to the Burch models. The
Premier and M-Line models introduced the flex-drive cable to power the kettle's
agitator. This model was also available as a countertop model. The
countertop model was referred to as the Victory Model--see images of the
countertop towards the bottom of this page. The panels have an ivory colored
porcelain coating. The "plastics" are Catalin.
Here is a web site that has a great deal of information on Catalin:
Here is a beautifully restored 1939 model, owned and
restored by Forum Member Marcus. Note the yellow catalin. Many
models had a red catalin (additional photos in the Photo Gallery):

Here is a diagram of the Life Time model from a WWII
Capability Manual.

Images courtesy of Robert Manley.
The 1939 Model also came as a countertop model.
This model was know as the Victory Model.

It is interesting to note that the kettle has Burch MFG Co stamped on it,
but the machine is marked Manley.

Photos courtesy of Larry Wilson.
Here is an image from a WWII capability manual:

Image courtesy of Robert Manley.